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"Zion Lutheran School - Touching lives of people forever through a quality education in an atmosphere of Christian love."


 PICTURE OF STUDENT BODY                                                           PURPOSE


At Zion Lutheran School we believe and teach the doctrine of the Triune God.  God the Father is our Creator.  He has made each of us unique and continues to preserve us through our entire life.  Jesus, God's Son, is our Savior and Lord.  He lived under the law, suffered and died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and rose again for our salvation.  The Holy Spirit, third person of the Trinity, calls us to faith through the means of Grace (Word and Sacrament) and keeps us in the faith.


We believe that it is our responsibility as a church to "train up a child in the way  that he should go" (Proverbs 22:6.)  We do this through our Christ-centered day school program which teaches children the basics of academic subjects and our Lutheran Christian faith.  We do this in response to God's command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.  We approach a child's education from the point of view that each child has unique talents and skills to be developed.


We believe that with the home, school, and church working together, our students will grow in their Christian faith through active participation in worship services and witnessing their faith to others.  Zion students grow in academics through the individualized attention given by teachers and special programs such as peer tutoring.  Our students grow emotionally and socially through involvement of our parents and various church groups in the activities and advancement of our school.  Zion continues to provide support for our families through Bible studies and PTL programs.